Web Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2021


In the dynamic world of web design, staying updated with the latest trends is crucial to creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites. As technology advances and user expectations evolve, new design trends emerge to shape the digital landscape. In this blog post, we will explore the top web design trends that took center stage in 2021. By incorporating these trends into your web design strategy, you can create modern and captivating websites that resonate with your audience.

  1. Dark Mode:

Dark mode emerged as a prominent web design trend in 2021. Offering a sleek and sophisticated aesthetic, dark mode reduces eye strain and enhances readability. It creates a visually striking contrast between elements and puts the focus on content. Many websites, applications, and operating systems introduced dark mode options to cater to user preferences and provide an immersive experience.

  1. Minimalistic Design:

Minimalistic design continued to be a popular choice in 2021. This trend emphasizes simplicity, clean lines, and ample white space. By removing unnecessary elements and distractions, minimalistic design focuses on the essential content, providing a seamless and clutter-free user experience. It enhances readability and allows the key messages and visuals to shine.

  1. Mobile-First Design:

With the majority of internet users accessing websites through mobile devices, mobile-first design gained significant importance in 2021. This approach prioritizes designing and optimizing websites for mobile devices before adapting them to larger screens. Mobile-first design ensures responsive and user-friendly experiences on smartphones and tablets, improving overall accessibility and engagement.

  1. Bold Colors and Gradients:

Vibrant and bold color choices, along with gradients, made a strong impact in 2021. Web designers embraced vibrant color schemes to create visually engaging websites and evoke emotions. Bold color choices, such as vibrant blues, oranges, and pinks, helped brands stand out and leave a lasting impression on users.

  1. Microinteractions:

Microinteractions are small, subtle animations or feedback that occur in response to user actions. They provide visual cues, enhance interactivity, and create a delightful user experience. From animated buttons to hover effects, microinteractions add a layer of engagement and playfulness to websites, making them more memorable and enjoyable to explore.

  1. Custom Illustrations and Icons:

Custom illustrations and icons gained popularity as brands aimed to create unique visual identities and stand out from competitors. Custom graphics allowed websites to convey brand personality, tell stories, and enhance overall user experience. Hand-drawn illustrations and custom icons added a touch of creativity and authenticity to websites in 2021.

  1. Voice User Interface (VUI):

As voice assistants and smart speakers became increasingly prevalent, integrating voice user interfaces (VUI) into web design gained traction. Voice commands and interactions allowed users to navigate websites hands-free, making the browsing experience more convenient and accessible.


Web design trends in 2021 focused on enhancing user experiences through minimalistic design, dark mode, bold colors, and mobile-first approaches. Custom illustrations and icons added unique branding elements, while microinteractions and VUI improved engagement and interactivity. By keeping up with these trends and leveraging them in your web design, you can create modern, visually stunning, and user-centric websites that captivate your audience. Stay informed about the latest trends, experiment with their implementation, and adapt to the ever-evolving digital landscape to stay ahead in the competitive world of web design.